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Desirable Properties of Emulsifying Agents.

·         Must be surface active, to reduce surface tension to below 10 dynes/cm
·         Is adsorbed on droplets as non-adhering condensed film
·         Impart enough electrical potential for repulsion of droplets
·         Increase viscosity
·         Effective in low concentration
·         Should be soluble in both phases but not too soluble in either of the phases

Interfacial tension:

When lowered, the surface energy is lowered and therefore stability is increased. For spherical particles,
Δ F = 6γV  Where V = volume of dispersed phase
            d                      d = mean diameter of particles.

            Thus energy input can be calculated.
When γ is decreased, Δ F is decreased.

Because the system tends to lose this energy, coalescence ensues.

Surface-active agents lower surface tension according to Gibbs’s equation:

                        Γ = _     c .   δγ
                                    RT    δc
Where Γ = surface excess (moles/ml2
Δγ   = Change in surface tension with 
δc       concentration of amphiphile

c = bulk phase concentration.

2.      Film formation.

A film around the dispersed droplets is a major requirement. The film can be a monolayer, multiplayer or a collection of particles. This forms a barrier to prevent coalescence of particles that can come in to contact with each other. The film should not rupture; squeeze out when sandwiched between droplets. It should have elasticity to preserve integrity
3.      Electrical potential

We have already discussed the origin of a potential. The charge causes repulsion of approaching drops. This is very important for ionic surfactants.

4.      Emulsion rheology

Emulsifying agents affect rheology according to chemical, concentration, emulsion type, thickness of the film, electroviscous effect. The study of the effect is difficult because droplets are deformable, which affects the viscosity.

5.      Concentration of the emulsifier

The concentration must be just sufficient to provide the condensed film around the droplet. An  increase  in the concentration achieves less apart from increasing viscosity and can be undesirable because of foaming.

Types of emulsifiers

a.       surface active agents: these are adsorbed at oil/water interface and form a monomolecular layer, and reduce surface tension.
b.      Hydrophilic colloids – form a multimolecular film around the globule in o/w emulsions
c.       Fine solid particles – these are adsorbed between immiscible liquid phases, form a “film” of particles around the globule.

** the common factor is the formation of the film.

Monomolecular Absorption (Adsorption theory)

Surface active agents (SAA) reduce interfacial tension when adsorbed at O/W interface, forming a monomolecular layer. They reduce the surface free energy and hence the tendency to coalesce.

Recall: w = γowΔA

And ΔF = 6γV

More important the dispersed droplets are surrounded by a monolayer which prevents coalescence as the droplets approach each other. The film should be easily when disturbed, i.e. should be elastic e.g on shaking. Additionally there is surface charge which cause repulsion between  adjustment particles.

In practice emulsifiers are combined. A hydrophilic emulsifier (in aqueous phase) and a hydrophobic emulsifier (in oil phase) form a complex film at the interface. For example sodium cetylsulphate and cholesterol. Used alone they form a poor emulsion, but as a combination, they provide an excellent emulsion. Some combination can produce poor emulsions, especially when complexation is poor, e.g cetylalcohol and sodium oleate.

HLB sytem

Developed by Griffin, this is an arbitrary numerical scale of values extending from 1-50 based on a balance between hydrophilic and lipophilic tendencies of surface active agents. It helps determine the efficiency of a SAA.

Originally, Griffin arrived at the scale by experiments, but later he developed equations by which values for many non-ionic compounds can be estimated.

For polyhydric alcohols fatty acid esters e.g. glyceryl monostearate,

HLB = 20 (1 – S )

            Where S  is saponification value ( The number of mg of potassium hydroxide
(KOH) required to neutralize the free acids in 1g and to hydrolyze the esters in 1 g of the substance).
A is Acid value (the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free acids in 1 g of the substance).

For beeswax and lanolin derivatives, (where saponification number is difficult to obtain),


Where E = % w/w of oxyethylene chain
P = % of polyhydric alcohol groups (e.g  in glycerol)

A rough approximation of HLB may be obtained by water solubility of the agent.

e.g.      No dispersibility in water       HLB    =          1-4
            Poor dispersion                       HLB    =          3-6
            Milky dispersion                     HLB    =          6-8
            Clear  solution                         HLB   =          13 and above

HLB values

Thus the higher the HLB the more hydrophilic it is. By the knowledge of HLB we can tell or correlate various properties:

HLB 3-6 Emulsifying agents (w/o)
            7-9 Wetting agents
8-18 Emulsifying agents (o/w)
13-15 detergents
15-18 solubilizing agent

Values of HLB for emulgents are also listed e.g :

Acacia HLB = 8;  Polysorbate HLB = 15; Tragacanth HLB = 13.2
Glyceryl monostearate HLB = 5.5

HLB’s are algebraically additive.  Therefore can prepare agent with intermediate value if you mix high HLB agent with that of low HLB.
Problem 1. Calculate the amount of Span and Tween in the formula below, if the required HLB is 10.5

                                    Liq. Paraffin    50g
                                    Span 80                                               HLB 4.3
                                    Tween 80           5g                             HLB 15
                                    Water, qs        100g

The required = HLB 10.5
Let proportion of span 80 be x
Then proportion of Tween 80 = 1 – x
Therefore                     4.3 x + 15 (1-x)                       =          10.5
                                    4.3 x – 15 x + 15                     =          10.5
                                                        10.7 x                  =          4.5

x = 4.5/10.7 = 0.42
1-x  = 1-0.42 = 0.58

If the required weight = 5g then the wt of span 80 = 5 x 0.42 = 2.1g, and that of Tween 80 = 5 x 0.58 = 2.9 g

Problem 2: Calculate the weights of the emulsifiers required in the following formula:
                        Cetyl alcohol               1.25g                                       HLB 15
                        Wool fat                      11.25g                                     HLB 10
                        Arachis oil                   14 g                                         HLB 7.5
                        Emulgents                   5 g
                             Arlacel 60 HLB     4.7
                             Tween 40 HLB      15.6
                        Water              qs         100g

% of oil phase = 1.25 + 11.25 + 14 = 26.5

Proportion of oils:       cetyl Alcohol               1.25     =          4.72%
Wool fat                      11.25   =          42.45%
                                    Arachis oil                   14        =          52.83%
                                    Total                                                100.00

Required HLB:
                        Cetyl Alcohol:             15 x 0.0472     =          0.71
                        Wool fat:                     10 x 0.4245     =          4.25
                        Arachis oil                   7.5 x 0.5283    =          3.96
                        Total                                                               8.92

Arlacel  60                   HLB 4.7
Tween 40                    HLB 15.6

            Proportion Arlacel = x , = Tween 40 = x – 1

Therefore:  Contribution of Arlacel + contribution of Tween on HLB  = 8.92
                                    4.7 x + 15.6 ( 1 – x) = 8.9
                                    4.7 x + 15.6 x – 15.6 = 8.9
                                                 10.9 x = 6.7
                                                 x = 6.7 = 0.61
                                                    1 – x = 0.39

Emulsifying mixture = Arlacel 60 = 61%
                                       Tween 40 = 39%

But % emulgent = 5%
                                    Therefore Arlacel = 5 x 0.61 = 3.05

                                                     Tween = 5 x 0.39 = 1.95